
Amsterdam has been on my 'Places to Visit Before I Turn 40' list for quite a long time now and recently I finally got to visit.

I can honestly say I wasn't prepared for the beauty of the city. Of course I'd seen pictures before I visited but that doesn't compare to seeing it all right there in front of you.The architecture is beyond anything I'd seen before, it was hard to tell at times whether I was looking into a picture of a cartoon or whether the buildings were actually slanting forward!

Walking down the canals was also an experience I won't forget. There's something quite serene about the combination of the bridges, buildings and boats that cancels out the busy atmosphere and the oncoming bikes from every direction. I can honestly say the view was one of the best I'd ever seen and at every corner it just got more beautiful.

I must say there was a few things I wasn't expecting from Amsterdam, however. I knew about the 'Coffee' shops that the city is famous for, yet I wasn't expecting to find one in every other shop I passed. The 'Red Light District' also came as a surprise to me. Before my boyfriend had suggested that we might have taken a wrong turn to which I looked to my left to find myself face to face with a woman attempting to entice us into her room, I was under the impression that the area may have been slightly deeper in the city and not quite so close to the centre. Admittedly though, it didn't put me off visiting Amsterdam again as I did enjoy being part of the 'tourist atmosphere' and visiting all the tourist spots, even if some of them offered more sights than I bargained for.

While we were there was also took a guided boat trip through the canals where we got to experience some things that we didn't know where there and discovered facts about a lot of the buildings and areas which were quite interesting.

If you have never visited Amsterdam before, please do, there's something to do for everyone whether you're into sight seeing, history, shopping or food and there's and endless amount of photo-worthy shots there for those photographers among us and finally, there's nothing more amazing than experiencing and appreciating other's cultures and Amsterdam is full of it.
