A Series of Revision Tips: Get Creative

Today I am writing the second blog post in my revision tips series and I'll be focusing on making your revision more creative. First of all though, I just want to admit that I'm far from the most creative person on the planet and the most inventive I get is drawing out a mind map so please feel free to take this post as inspiration and hopefully do a better job than me at getting creative.

 I find that doing more than just 'copying and pasting' text from my notes onto a fresh page doesn't always do the trick at keeping me keen on revising so I need to find other ways to keep me interested in my work. To do this I make mind maps, diagrams and posters to get a little more creative and colourful.

I have also found that  making the basis of a spider diagram/mind map at the beginning of my revision and then start filling it in throughout or whenever I can remember the information helps because I already have the map there I just need to fill it in and so I'm not spending ages drawing up when I could be revising or studying!

Thanks for reading this post, I'm afraid it isn't the longest but hopefully it's been helpful to someone!
