A Series of Revision Tips: Copy Cat

So, since exam season is fast approaching for us lucky students I decided to create a small series of blog posts which highlight different ways to revise and study and get the most out of what you've been taught throughout the modules and topics.

My first post is going to focus on copying up notes, with a slightly more creative twist, rather than boring yourself to death or losing interest 3 minutes in.

My main tip when copying up notes is to keep it neat, the last thing you want when you're reading back through is to not understand a word you've written or to not be able to follow the structure that you've written it in because then things become a mess and you nothing makes sense.

One thing I do when copying up my notes into neat is colour-coding.
I usually chose a colour that I'm going to use for the topic and use that for any titles and subtitles and then grab a variation of that colour and use it for other key bits of information, so for me that would be case names or legislation.

Notes, on notes, on notes. When I'm copying notes up, I tend to copy word for word, then go on to makes notes of those and notes of those and then notes of those. In the end, I remember what I've written because I've been repeating myself. Also, this is a good way to work backwards, from a small, dense set of notes to working your way into more detailed ones.

This has been the first in my series of revision tips, I'll post 1-2 of these a week for the next 4 weeks. Hopefully it'll be useful to someone, but these are just the things I find most useful.
