Let's De-Stress Together

As a university student, particularly a Law student, stress has become a headlining feature in my day-to-day routine. I thought that as my blog is aimed at focusing on my everyday life, hence the name Everyday Me, that it might be appropriate to blog about things besides my favourite lipstick and one thing that happens to be part of my everyday, is stress.

One thing I have found to work when I've been desperate to relax and forget about the impending essay deadlines, which also happens to be very stereo-typically British, is to have a cup of tea. Green tea personally works better for calming me down and de-stressing, especially chamomile tea and peppermint tea (which happens to taste amazing!), however I know from experience that it isn't always everybody's cup of tea (pardon the pun). In that case, just pack up the paper work, treat yourself to a nice warm tea, sat in front of the TV with your favourite Netflix show on and a nice warm blanket wrapped around you and relax. Then, in a few hours, get back to whatever it was that initially stressed you out, with a clear, refreshed mind and carry on.

Sleep. Sleep is one thing that is vital to keeping me as stress-free as possible. If I don't have a full nights sleep, then the next day not only am I half-zombie, but I'm half-zombie with stress levels higher than ever. One very useful tip for a good nights sleep is to get tucked into a nice cosy bed, put your phone down and do not pick it back up, maybe read a book for an hour or two and have as little light on as possible (I tend to keep the fairy lights on while I read as they're not too bright but bright enough so that I can see the book.

One last tip to de-stress is to plan out your day. Buy a diary, or a day-planner, or even a whiteboard and write down a list of all the things you need to do in order of importance. That way, you can see how much there is, you can see how much you've done, things tend to seem less hectic for me this way too and in the end you can see how productive you've been!
