Being Organised

Being organised is one of the most important thing I do because it means that I know where everything is, my spaces are tidy and most importantly, stress is reduced by a thousand percent when my things are organised. 

My favourite thing to do to keep organised is to make lists, simple as that. Making a list means that you can see what you need to do throughout the day/week and you can tick off or cross out all the things you've done which I find helps me know that I've been productive and haven't wasted my day! Lists also help things seem clearer and reduce stress by so much.

One of my main tips is to keep your things tidy. To do this I do things such as have designated shelves in my kitchen for certain foods or separate my makeup into different compartments. I also keep all my coloured pens together in one pot, all my writing pens together in another and all my highlighters together. Doing this just helps to make thing look tidier, but also I know where everything is so i'm not getting stressed or wasting time searching for them. 

Keeping a routine helps towards making an organised lifestyle. For example, getting up at the same time everyday, even on weekends and having meals at around the same time everyday. Even doing things like getting a shower/bath at 9 pm every night helps to keep me organised because after 9 is my relaxation time, so I know I need to have everything done before then.

Diaries, or calendars are also something that are extremely handy to help keep you organised, I keep both a digital and a paper diary, mainly because the more I write something down, the more likely I am to remember it, but also because I can use the paper one while I'm out and about and the digital calendar while I'm at home at my desk.

So these are my top tips to becoming an organised person. I'm not stating they're life-changing or the ones to follow, they're just what work for me, but I hope it was an enjoyable post and hopefully there'll be more like this in the future.
