What I think of... Celeste Ng, Everything I Never Told You.

Although this is not a book I would ordinarily pick up (I like to stick to the romances!), I found this such a touching and emotional story of a Chinese-American family in the 70's that is shattered by the disappearance of their eldest daughter who is depicted as the 'golden child'.   

The author really depicts the characters and their relationships between one another and their troubles extremely well which made it extremely easy for me to become drawn in and visualise the situations alongside understanding the characters'  motives and emotions. As the book moves along, through elements of the past and present of the family's timeline, the depth of the problems within the family unit become clear and as a reader I became aware that the story, although it was primarily based on the daughters disappearance, ultimately aimed at highlighting issues of racism, sexism and coming-of-age and how these impact significantly on the lives of the characters. 

This book has opened my eyes to a world outside romance novels and the occasional crime/thriller and I will definitely be purchasing more books outside my reading comfort-zone.
